IXP2400/Linux routing sample
Hello, We are using an IXDP2400 with a Gigabit module. So far we managed to set up a cross compiler, get Linux running and explored small sample programs on the hardware. Unfortunately the Linux support of the SDK is still incomplete. We are facing problems with the Linux Gigabit interface driver (does not find the board during boot up). On the other hand, the initialization part for the routing application is for VxWorks only... Has anyone managed to get the routing application running? Help/comments are very much appreciated. Regards, Mirko
Hello, Currently, my problem is: When the board entered cygmon, I typed "go" command, then the minicom screen show below information: *********************** cygmon>go cygmon_handle_exception() monitor_loop return=0 Returned from breakpoint Waiting for host based downlad Press space bar to abort host download mode.... Press space bar to abort host download mode....
participants (2)
Feng Tang
Mirko Benz