NePSim: A Network Processor Simulator with Power Evaluation Framework

Hello All, We are pleased to announce the release of NePSim 1.0, the first open source integrated infrastructure for analyzing and optimizing Network Processor design and power dissipation at architecture-level. NePSim contains a cycle-accurate simulator for a typical NP architecture (Intel's IXP1200), an automatic verification framework for testing and validation, and a power estimation model for measuring the power consumption of the simulated NP. Four typical benchmark applications (ipfwdr, nat, url, md4) are included in the package. A paper on NePSim is going to appear in the coming IEEE Micro Special Issue on Network Processors for Future High-End Systems and Applications, Sept/Oct 2004. You are welcome to download NePSim from We have set up a mailing list at You can use the above mailing list, NOT this ixp1200 mailing list, to ask questions, report bugs and get more information. Thanks. Best Regards, Yan Luo -- Computer Science Dept., Univ. of California Riverside, CA 92521, USA
participants (1)
Yan Luo