The orientation of the jumpers in this area of J12 and J26 are not of normal convention. If you hold the card up so the lables are correct ( With the fiber ports pointed up ), the jumpers should be read as: 3 2 1 +-+-+-+ |o|o|o| +-+-+-+ Normally one would expect them to read as: 1 2 3 +-+-+-+ |o|o|o| +-+-+-+ This caused me grief for about a day one time. To verify correct orientation of the jumpers, look for the square solder pad on the PCB. The square pad indicates pin 1. Also, in some version of the firmware, they may have changed the baud rate to 19600 or 38400, but I don't remember which version or if this was only on the fancy dev. platform. Hope this helps, /barry -----Original Message----- From: lcard [mailto:lcard@win.trlabs.ca] Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2001 9:16 AM To: ixp1200@CS.Princeton.EDU Subject: [ixp1200] Canadian ixp1200 Woes Hello List, I've got an IXP12EB kit. (Not the fancy IXDP1200 Development platform with the single board computer.) One of the problems I have is I don't know what silicon I have. (A0, B0, C0? How many are there anyway?) I don't know if there are different revisions of the IXP12EB kit, and I don't know if there are different revisions of the PCI blade either. Do you know the revision history of the silicon? The PCI blade? The IXP12EB kit? When I manipulate the J12 and J26 jumpers on the PCI card with a console (9600 baud, 8 data bits, No Parity bit, 1 stop bit) attached: 1. The Boot Manager will not start. (The SDK 1.0 documentation does not reference a boot manager, so maybe I just doesn't have one on my flash image...) Some trash is sent to the console however. At first I figured this was just my console not set up properly, so I tried different speeds, and setups, with no luck. 2. It won't start the VxWorks loader (Nothing is sent to the serial port. Various documentation indicates the console should be used set up the FTP client to grab a Vxworks kernel image, but that doesn't work, because the console is dead.) 3. It doesn't start the Angel Debugger. Oddly, this setting sends the same trash to the console as the setting for the boot manager. 4. The diagnostics setting DOES work. This makes me think my console setup also works. I can run through the tests, and send test commands, and receive test data back. Those four points make me think that one (or both) of the flash chips on the PCI blade are probably corrupt. I can't burn parts, but I can probably find someone to do it for me, so some Flash ROM images would be really helpful. It would be even better if they were stored on Flash ROMs. Does anyone have any? I would love to run VxWorks, or Linux, or anything other than the diagnostics at this point. Any help you can provide, including the names of support contacts would be greatly appreciated. -L Loren Card System Administrator, Packet Plumber, Process Gestapo, Data Integrity Sheriff, Information Monk, Graduate Student, TRLabs, Winnipeg, Canada. Tel: (204)488-5626 Email: lcard@win.trlabs.ca
participants (1)
Sprajc, Barry