Currently we are trying to make the PETH driver work. We are using the "IXP1200 Pseudo Ethernet Driver for Linux" guide that came with the SDK. However the Section 3.3 "Changes to the reference design" is missing. Does anyone has the complete document or have an idea about those changes? On step 4 indicates to compile and load the reference design We have compiled and loaded the one that comes with the SDK without the Workbench, but not sure is we need to change something because the explanation above. On the system setup, the step 3 indicates to setup a route entry to the core. I suppose I must use the route command of Linux Strong Arm. Something like route add -net...... any suggestion?? I must say our development platform is a based on the Brivadeli card which is a little bit different from the SI (only 4 FAst Ethernet ports). We have arranged configuration in some files accordingly. Up to now we are able to see the "peth devices" under the Linux (Strong ARM) and see the routing table properly. However we cannot ping from/to the NP, when pinging from the NP we got a "Bad descriptor fffffb000, dropping outgoing packet". It seems like the peth_start_xmit routine is not able to allocate a new descriptor properly. Any idea why this happens? -- Ing. Ricardo Camarena Ramos camarena@itesm.mx Asistente de Investigación Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica y Electrónica Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Estado de México Teléfono: (5255) 5864.5555 extensión: 3016. enlace-intercampus: 80.236.3016 http://www.itesm.mx http://webdiee.cem.itesm.mx/web2 El contenido de este mensaje de datos no se considera oferta, propuesta o acuerdo, sino hasta que sea confirmado en documento por escrito que contenga la firma autógrafa del apoderado legal del ITESM. El contenido de este mensaje de datos es confidencial y se entiende dirigido y para uso exclusivo del destinatario, por lo que no podrá distribuirse y/o difundirse por ningún medio sin la previa autorización del emisor original. Si usted no es el destinatario, se le prohíbe su utilización total o parcial para cualquier fin.
participants (1)
Ricardo Camarena Ramos