Hello all, I'm new to IXP1200 and am having problems simulating the program used in chapter 5 of "IXP1200 Programming".I don't have the CD containing the project but I downloaded the source files from Internet(so have to manually set project settings in SDK which is probably the problem!!).In simulation the IXP fails to receive any packets at all with the Rx buffer filling up and the receive rate gradually decreasing to 0 Mbps.Here are the project settings: Ready Bus Sequencer Program: Rxrdy Mac 0, Txrdy Mac 0, NOP1, NOP1, NOP1, NOP1, NOP1, NOP1, NOP1, NOP1, NOP1, NOP1. Data Stream: 100 frames of length 38 of Ethernet IP assigned to Device 0 Port 0. IX Device Bus Simulator is enabled. Device is set to automatically receive packets on first clock cycle. What am I doing wrong?? Regards, Simon O'Sullivan.

Hi there:
I have the disk from de IXP programming book and the
settings in tehe project of chapter 5 for the Ready
Bus Sequencer Program are: Rxrdy Mac 0, NOP1, Txrdy
Mac 0, NOP1, NOP1, NOP1, NOP1, NOP1, NOP1, NOP1, NOP1,
Hope that helps
Regards, Carlos Robles
--- "Simon.O'Sullivan"
Hello all, I'm new to IXP1200 and am having problems simulating the program used in chapter 5 of "IXP1200 Programming".I don't have the CD containing the project but I downloaded the source files from Internet(so have to manually set project settings in SDK which is probably the problem!!).In simulation the IXP fails to receive any packets at all with the Rx buffer filling up and the receive rate gradually decreasing to 0 Mbps.Here are the project settings: Ready Bus Sequencer Program: Rxrdy Mac 0, Txrdy Mac 0, NOP1, NOP1, NOP1, NOP1, NOP1, NOP1, NOP1, NOP1, NOP1, NOP1. Data Stream: 100 frames of length 38 of Ethernet IP assigned to Device 0 Port 0. IX Device Bus Simulator is enabled. Device is set to automatically receive packets on first clock cycle. What am I doing wrong?? Regards, Simon O'Sullivan.
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Hi: I am trying to use the execute proyects from the Workbench in the ENP 2505 PCI Board. The problem is that the instruction: insmod -force ./octmac.o minorStart=0 mac0="aa.bb.cc.dd.ee.00" mac1="... returns the next error message: ./octmac.o: init_module: Device or resource busy I have tried to change the arguments for the instruction insmod but it shows the same error message. If some one knows what could be wrong, any hint will be appreciated. Thanks Carlos Robles __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Mail - now with 250MB free storage. Learn more. http://info.mail.yahoo.com/mail_250
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