Re: [ixp1200] microACE programming model

Hi Apparao, Its(microACE model) not a must if u want to try out some simple programs in the beginning. But later on when u want the whole NP to function in full fledged mode where ur StrongARM is interacting with Microengines and u have complex app in place. Then u need to have some infrastructure to start off... Then these ACEs come handy. (u can always do things without ACEs). Most modules that we need for most apps are available in these(mostly reusable). Its modify, plug and play sort of modules. This is the reply wht. i have got frm one of the frends who is too working on IXP..... Regards, Nitin On Tue, 27 Jul 2004 Apparao kodavanti wrote :
I have just started researching IXP1200 and after reading some books I am confused about the microace programming model. Can I use it to code in our lab that has an intel IXP1200 evaluation board with Vxworks OS ? My host machine is a windows NT machine. The books do not exclusively say but I read in one of the manuals that, to use microace programming I need to have Linux OS. Thanks in advance
Apparao Kodavanti
===== Thanks
Apparao Kodavanti (719) 598 - 7412
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