Najati, If you are using the workbench, the process for loading microC is the same as the process for loading microengine assembly. It's been a long time since I've loaded any code without the microACE framework, so my memory is rusty. :) If your board is running Linux, you have to make sure that the ue.o driver is loaded and that the rs_udebug process is running in the background. Both of these ship with the SDK and can be found in ixasdk/bin/arm-be. Then, in the workbench hardware settings on your development system, say "Connect via Ethernet" and give it the IP address of the debug port of the board. If you are using VxWorks, the development system side is the same, but on the board you need to run VxWorksNetApp.o. There is a readme file with the workbench that can walk you through this process. It is called VxWorksBuild_ReadMe.txt. Hope this helps! Aaron ------------------------ Aaron Kunze Intel Labs aaron.kunze@intel.com -PGP Key ID: 0x81124B7C- -NOT SPEAKING FOR INTEL- ------GO BOILERS!!------
-----Original Message----- From: Najati Imam [mailto:nrimam0@uky.edu] Sent: Wednesday, September 04, 2002 1:47 PM To: ixp1200@CS.Princeton.EDU Subject: Re: [ixp1200] microC development
Let me clarify this a bit. Development of microC *microACEs* is not supported by Intel in IXA SDK 2.x. Use of microC outside of the microACE framework is supported and microC code will run on the IXP1200 hardware.
Oh? thats cool. What does one need as far as run time environment to do so? Namely, can one take a uof compiled from the workbench and start it on a microengine(s) and if so how?

Hello, I am new to IXP programming. To start I want to turn enp2505 into a network interface seen by the host. At some point I will be replacing the internals but for now I want to send traffic arriving at one of the IXP interfaces to the host computer through the PCI bus. The IXP has to simply send traffic from eth1 (ixp network port) to eth0(ixp pci port) and the reverse. I need something similar to iptables. I am running the L3fwd and I can access the interfaces but I need some sort of NAT and forwarding between eth1 and eth0. Is the any simple solution? Thank you, Chris
participants (2)
Chris Gniady
Kunze, Aaron