IXP SA-1100 assembly ...

hi all, i was wondering if anyone is using the reference for the IXP with respect to the SA-1100 core? specifically, i'm looking for details of the assembly language (prog. ref. manual), registers, etc. i note that in the documentation that comes with the IXP CD (v1.2) one can find the following: getting_started_armcore.pdf : basic registers available ixp1200_prog_ref_manual.pdf : full registers, but uE-specific ixp1200_hw_ref_manual.pdf : difference between ARMv4 & IXP-SA the hw ref manual states that the basis should be the ARM Architecture Reference Manual other documents state that the reference should be ARM V4 Architecture Reference and i note that the ARM.com web site lists the former, which amazon.com also sells... any comments on if this text is sufficient? other texts needed? cheers, josh fryman fryman@cc.gatech.edu
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