Perhaps I gave you the wrong impression in my original response. Let me try to clarify... With the exception of the command-line assembler for the microengines, we are not using any of the Windows-based tools for our development. (We are not using Tornado, Workbench, or Transactor.) All our development is based on GNU tools running on Linux. Since we are not using VxWorks/Tornado, I assume that we cannot run any of the examples which might be included on the development CD-ROM. When I stated that "the Tornado software is not mandatory," I simply meant that you do not need Tornado if you want to run code on the IXP1200. It probably *is* mandatory if you want to develop code using the environment described in the Intel documentation (VxWorks, NetApp, NT, ...). Hope that helps, Scott Petcharat Suriyachai writes:
Did anyone load the VxWorks NetApp Image onto the IXP 1200? From the manual the VxWorksNetApp.o image must be loaded onto the IXP 1200 to be able to test the Workbench connection and to run projects. How did you do this WITHOUT the VxWorks window?
I have the following so far:
///////////////////////////////////////// Attached TCP/IP interface to eeE0. Attaching network interface lo0... done. Loading... 602392 + 13020 + 45320 Starting at 0x1000...
Early serial debug initialized muxDevLoad failed for device entry 0! Attached TCP/IP interface to eeE unit 0 Attaching network interface lo0... done. 0x7ffe64 (tRootTask): dc0 - Failed to read ethernet address NFS client support not included.
Copyright 1984-1998 Wind River Systems, Inc.
CPU: Level One ixp1200eb - ARM IXP1200 VxWorks: 5.4 BSP version: 1.0/948 Creation date: Feb 16 2000 WDB: Ready.
The next step based on the manual is "configuring and launching a target server with Tornado." Since the Tornado is not mandatory, I don't really know what to do after this. The workbench will hang if I try to debug a program. The error is "Error opening network connection to node TestTarget." I assume that the host doesn't know the ip address of the Evaluation system. Any suggestion?
Thank you, Pat
--On Friday, June 30, 2000, 4:10 PM -0400 "Scott C. Karlin"
wrote: Pat writes:
I have questions about the Tornado software. I am trying to run an example workbench project on the SA1200 hardware, the Ethernet Evaluation Platform. I am under the impression that I will need to boot the VxWorks before I can run my codes on the hardware. Therefore, the Tornado software is a must. Please clarify this.
No, the Tornado software is not mandatory. We do not use it for our development.
To configure my system to run the uCos operating system, I will need to install the ARM software development toolkit to my host PC. Do I really need this? Is only the VxWorks operating system sufficient enough to be used to run codes on the hardware?
After joining the list, you can look in the e-mail archive for the list (instructions will arrive when you subscribe to the list). I posted instructions on how to take the current GNU tools and use the VxWorks bootloader (but not the Tornado software) to load and run the code.
participants (1)
Scott C. Karlin