Raj, There is no new simulator for the SA Core from Intel.. and as far as I know there are no plans to create one. THe Developer's Workbench has always come with a cycle accurate simulator for the Core (in addtion to the Microengine simulator -Transactor), but practically, it is way too slow and hence, is turned off by default.. look at the "Configuration" tab under "Simulation->Options.." in the Workbench to enable the model and specify the SA image to run. Alternatively there are other simulators which you may find useful in your development, like the ARMulator, however, these tools are totally separate from the IXA SDK and Intel. --eric h. (intel) -----Original Message----- From: Raj B Krishnamurthy [mailto:rajk@ece.gatech.edu] Sent: Monday, June 25, 2001 3:00 PM To: ixp1200@CS.Princeton.EDU Cc: ixp@cc.gatech.edu Subject: [ixp1200] IXP-SA simulator hello all: I might be completely misinformed but I remember some news items / talk a little while back about the availability of a IXP1200 StrongArm simulator different from the ucode simulators with the IXP1200 SDK. Any pointers will be appreciated. -- Raj Krishnamurthy Critical Systems Lab GA Tech
participants (1)
Heaton, Eric D