regarding setup,strong ARM,Receiving a packet

Hai, I am having some doubts.I have installed the IXA SDK and working in the environment.Now i want to work in strong ARM processor.For that I have to install RedHat Linux 6.3.But i searched for that for downloading it.unfortunately i didn't get that.can i use a higher version than 6.3.Im having Redhat Linux 7.2. Im going to install both the OS in the single system and to install the VMware.There is one more option.Installing the two OS in different systems and to connect the two systems by a cable.Can anyone tell me which ever is easier?Some of my friends told that if you install VMware be careful.otherwise sometimes the system kindly tell me which setup can be done? I get into the hyperterminal and im having a <cygmon> prompt.After that i dont know how to proceed.Can you answer me this problem also. I want to receive a packet and write the program which is in the text book (IXP programming by Robert Kunze)and didn't how to run it and where to set the breaking point like that.Im familiar with how to create a frame and assigning the ports and the devices. One more problem i didn't know which is the best.That is writing the program in microengineC or with microcode.Im familiar with 8085 assembly language.Kindly answer me for these questions. 1.Set up(Regarding OS) 2.RedHat Linux version 3.working the Strong ARM 4.Receiving the packet program 5.Regarding <CYGMON> 6.writing the program in Microengine C or Microcode Im expecting anyone reply.Thanks in advance Regards, P.Sridevi _______________________________________________ No banners. No pop-ups. No kidding. Make My Way your home on the Web -
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