Microcode loading problem.

I am analyzing Vera source code. But I am blocked at source code of loading the microcode part. Below code is presented at /Vera/IXP1200_Apps/IPmm/main.c Control_BootUEs(&rcv_uCode, &xmt_uCode); But I can't find rcv_uCode, xmt_uCode uEng_uCodeInfo structure variable. From where that varible is declared? I guess that this is related with 'Vera/bin/postuca.pl' file. If above guess is right, plz say loading mechanism simply. if above guess is wrong, plz say exact location. Thanks.

On Fri, 17 Oct 2003, [ks_c_5601-1987] ���ؿ� wrote:
I am analyzing Vera source code.
But I am blocked at source code of loading the microcode part.
Below code is presented at /Vera/IXP1200_Apps/IPmm/main.c
Control_BootUEs(&rcv_uCode, &xmt_uCode);
But I can't find rcv_uCode, xmt_uCode uEng_uCodeInfo structure variable.
From where that varible is declared?
The structure is the processed receive and trasmit microcode. That is, the structure is in the file, xmt.x, that results from compliling xmt.uc and postprocessing it. It is available after you 'make' in Vera/libIXPRouter/ue/src.
If above guess is right, plz say loading mechanism simply.
When you say "loading mechanism" do you mean the way we place microcode at the microengines for execution? Also, do you want a description of what the loading mechanism does, or how to use it? Zuki -- Yitzchak Gottlieb zuki@CS.Princeton.EDU

Thank you for reply, Gottlieb.
If above guess is right, plz say loading mechanism simply.
When you say "loading mechanism" do you mean the way we place microcode at the microengines for execution? Also, do you want a description of what the loading mechanism does, or how to use it?
I want to know the way and mechanism. I think this is related with 'Vera/bin/postuca.pl file'. Am I right? Please some more description about the way and mechanism. Thanks.

On Sun, 19 Oct 2003, [ks_c_5601-1987] ���ؿ� wrote:
I want to know the way and mechanism.
The documentation about how to use the mechanisms is available with the IXP application tarball.
I think this is related with 'Vera/bin/postuca.pl file'. Am I right?
Yes, it does. If you look at the makefile in the libixprouter/ue/src directory you will see the process for converting a microcode source file to a *.x file that contains a uCodeInfo structure. Basically we compile the microcode, take the compiled code postprocess it, and write it into the instruction memory of the microengines. The code in libixprouter/sa/src/control.c is documented and shows how the code is loaded to the microengines. I will try to answer in more depth in a following email. Zuki -- Yitzchak Gottlieb zuki@CS.Princeton.EDU
participants (2)
Yitzchak M. Gottlieb