Re: Plugging ixp into Pentium's backplane

Dear Scott and all, The README and makefiles given in the release of Vera are clear, and useful enough to get the software and hardware up successfully. I noted some points below during my set-up which I think might be useful to some for the time being. I'm using linux kernel 2.4.7 and both microcode assembler 1.2.76 and 2.0.83. Software set-up: - Do create a soft link linux in /usr/src pointing to linux-2.4 if using linux kernel higher than 2.4.5. - In README.details.txt, after "make nodes", do a "make all" to create vera.o - For microcode with vrp compilation, the uwin's development package failed to install on my win98, so I used a native win32 ports of gnu instead: - The microcode with novrp can be compiled directly using the Intel Developer Workbench. - Do replace #if USE_REGALLOC with #ifdef USE_REGALLOC in some uc source. - All microcodes are compatible with both assembler 1.2.76 and 2.0.83. - Yitzchak Gottlieb from Princeton provided the following definitions to compile IPmm and IPcache. Include them at $VERAROOT/Runtime/ixp1200/sa/src/Lib/mem_access_p.h if they are not there. /* BEGIN DEFINTIONS */ extern inline u16 memRead16(u32 address) { return *((volatile u16 *)address); } extern inline void memWrite16(u32 address, u16 value) { *((volatile u16 *)address) = value; } /* END DEFINITIONS */ Hardware set-up : - I was indeed not careful enough with the J27 jumper. Its factory setting seems to differ with that described in manual. That could cause the problem of BIOS not coming up as described in earlier mail. Follow the recommendations from Scott as in previous mail. - Do connect the serial port of the ixp1200 as the Firmware makes minimon call during start-up. - Do set 9600 8N1 for minimon kind regards, cheewei -----Original Message----- From: Scott C. Karlin To: ixp1200@CS.Princeton.EDU Cc: Tan Chee Wei;;; Tham Chen Khong Sent: 1/9/02 6:41 AM Subject: [ixp1200] Re: Plugging ixp into Pentium's backplane On Sat, Jan 05, 2002 at 12:12:29AM +0800, Tan Chee Wei wrote:
The test against bit 2 of IXP1200_GPIO_DATA is a check on jumper J27. The README.jumpers.txt says to set J27 to 2-3. Is J27 set correctly?
Yes, J27 is set correctly. In fact, there isn't any need to change J27 since the factory's setting is similar to Vera's setting.
Some more thoughts... I just opened a factory-fresh development system and the factory setting for J27 was 1-2. Be sure to verify all jumper settings to ensure they are jumpered for the Vera setting. Also, pin 1 for the jumpers is denoted by a square solder pad on the back side of the board. I hope this helps, Scott
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Tan Chee Wei