Hellow, Just wanna know tht all memory management has to be done by the programmer even while programming in MicroEngineC or tht wd. be taken care by complier.. actually i have to store a hash table kinda data-structure for storing firewall rules, and LIFO we use for mapping between SRAM and SDRAM (locations where the mpkt's will be stored after receiving), Queue which i have to maintain for passing pkt's b./w receiving and transmitting micro-Engine........and other variables ....so shd. i have to specify the address for these...and shd. i ahve to take care tht these migth not be overwritten by each other, or the complier has some option which can take care of this.... and if someone knows abt. complir settings do tell me tht....there is an option as "reserve memory option for variables"..is this is the one for restricting???? confused.... if someone knows something abt. this do reply.. Thanxs.. Regards, Nitin Makhija M.Tech(CS) IIT-kharagpur
participants (1)
nitin makhija