RE: [ixp1200] problem with the simuator

Hey! Try setting the hash multiplier in the FBI CSRs. If the multiplier is 0, the hash unit will return 0. A ------------------------ Aaron Kunze Intel Labs -PGP Key ID: 0x81124B7C- -NOT SPEAKING FOR INTEL- ------GO BOILERS!!------
-----Original Message----- From: damien [] Sent: Thursday, August 29, 2002 4:54 PM To: ixp Subject: [ixp1200] problem with the simuator
Hi all, I'm trying to use the developer workbench to simulate the hash unit. My problem is the function hash_64() always returns 0... Could someone please tell me what's wrong in the following code:
/ long long data_to_hash = 0x1234567899; __declspec(sram_write_reg) long long hash_Input; __declspec(sram_read_reg) long long hash_Output; long long result;
while(1) { if(ctx() == 0) { hash_Input = data_to_hash; hash_64((__declspec(sram_write_reg) void *)&hash_Input, (__declspec(sram_read_reg) void *)&hash_Output, 1, sig_done); ctx_wait(fbi); result = hash_Output;
} else { ctx_wait(voluntary); } }/

ok, it works now :) thanks for your time --Damien Kunze, Aaron wrote:
Try setting the hash multiplier in the FBI CSRs. If the multiplier is 0, the hash unit will return 0.
------------------------ Aaron Kunze Intel Labs -PGP Key ID: 0x81124B7C- -NOT SPEAKING FOR INTEL- ------GO BOILERS!!------
-----Original Message----- From: damien [] Sent: Thursday, August 29, 2002 4:54 PM To: ixp Subject: [ixp1200] problem with the simuator
Hi all, I'm trying to use the developer workbench to simulate the hash unit. My problem is the function hash_64() always returns 0... Could someone please tell me what's wrong in the following code:
/ long long data_to_hash = 0x1234567899; __declspec(sram_write_reg) long long hash_Input; __declspec(sram_read_reg) long long hash_Output; long long result;
while(1) { if(ctx() == 0) { hash_Input = data_to_hash; hash_64((__declspec(sram_write_reg) void *)&hash_Input, (__declspec(sram_read_reg) void *)&hash_Output, 1, sig_done); ctx_wait(fbi); result = hash_Output;
} else { ctx_wait(voluntary); } }/
participants (2)
Kunze, Aaron