Hi Everyone,
Welcome to the new Systems for AI Lab/Initiative! We're very excited to get
this off the ground and pursue lots of fruitful collaborations, open-source
systems, and other avenues for this topic.
For this semester, we are planning to start with weekly meetings on *Wednesdays
from 2-3pm* starting after Spring Break, i.e., first meeting on 3/19 (calendar
I hope that most of you will be able to attend: if you generally can't make
this time, please do email me (if enough people can't, we'll work to
In terms of agenda, for the first few meetings, we're planning to have
"introduction" presentations from each group to help us gain an
understanding of what everyone is working on and interested in across the
stack. It would be wonderful if each group could share an overview of what
their group works on in the AIML space, and dive into a few recent
projects. Ideally, we'll have 2-3 groups per week, grouped by the topic
they work in, e.g., one week will be runtime/infra, another can be
hardware, another on model architecture/algorithms. Here's a proposed
presentation order
but please let me know if we need to shuffle things around. After that, we
will shift more to paper discussions and reading groups on some recent
topics, e.g., reasoning models.
Lastly, thank you to my students -- Rui Pan, Mike Wong, Yinwei Dai -- for
setting up our website <https://sysml.cs.princeton.edu/>! If you have any
additional content (e.g., people, papers, project directions), please do
coordinate with them to make sure it gets added.