Speaker: Patrick Slade
Title: Improving Health with Human-Centered Robotics
Day: Monday, March 28, 2022
Time: 10:45-11:45am
Location: Room E219 EQuad
Host: Anirudha Majumdar

Globally, billions of people face mobility challenges like obesity, age-related diseases, and physical limitations which negatively impact health. Wearable devices that merge robotics, biomechanics, and human-centered AI can enable people to overcome these challenges. We will discuss key ideas for building intelligent assistive devices with several case studies. 1) A simple wearable system worn on one leg that accurately calculates calories expended during exercise, with three-fold lower error than a smartwatch. 2) A portable exoskeleton that personalizes assistance during real-world walking, which reduces walking effort (equivalent to removing an 18-pound backpack) and increases walking speed (by 9%) compared to normal shoes. 3) A robotic cane that improves navigation and increases walking speed by 20% for people with impaired vision. These projects focus on developing technology that is low-cost and easily reproducible to work towards tools for underserved populations. We will also explore how wearable monitoring and assistive devices will impact personal health in the future.

Patrick Slade received his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Stanford in 2021 and is now a Distinguished Postdoctoral Scholar in Bioengineering as part of the Stanford Human Performance Alliance. His research combines robotics, biomechanics, and human-centered AI to build intelligent health models and assistive devices. He explores how we can safely and effectively integrate human-robot systems so people can live healthier and more independent lives. His work focuses on solutions that are open-source and low-cost to make care accessible for underserved populations. Patrick was an NSF Graduate Research Fellow, named a Forbes 30 under 30 in healthcare, and has published in journals like Science Robotics and Nature Communications.