Suman Banerjee, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Tuesday, October 20- 3pm
Computer Science 402
ParaDrop: Enabling Third Party Apps in Home WiFi Gateways for Fun and Profit
the last few years, we have been building a new home WiFi router
platform that can allow 3rd party applications and services to be
deployed on it. The system, called Paradrop, is all in software and is
an extreme form of the popular notion known as edge computing. It
leverages popular concepts of virtualization and software-defined
networking. It also integrates techniques for better monitoring,
management, and mitigation of RF interference experienced in these
environments. It hopes to be to the home router market what the
smartphones were to the cellphone market. We believe that ParaDrop can
be a significant enabler for the emerging services for smarter homes
that take advantage of Internet of Things applications. Furthermore, the
platform can also be leveraged for delivering a more hands-on
educational content on emerging topics, such as Internet-of-Things,
mobile development, mobile and wireless systems design, and even basic
computer networking. In this talk, I will describe some of the technical
developments in creating this platform and outline our ongoing
Suman Banerjee is an Professor in Computer Sciences
at UW-Madison where he is the founding director of the WiNGS laboratory
which broadly focuses on research in wireless and mobile networking
systems. He received his undergraduate degree from IIT Kanpur, and MS
and PhD degrees from the University of Maryland. He is the inaugural
recipient of the ACM SIGMOBILE Rockstar award and a recipient of the NSF
Career Award. He is a recipient of multiple award papers at various
conferences, such as ACM MobiCom, ACM CoNEXT, and IEEE Dyspan. Further,
technology developed by Prof. Banerjee have won various accolades
including the first prize at the Wisconsin Governor's Business Plan
Competition in 2011 and in the Interdigital Innovation Challenge in
2012. He is currently serving as the chair of ACM SIGMOBILE.