PL Seminar Speaker


Armando Solar-Lezama, from MIT

Wednesday, November 14 - 3:00 pm

Computer Science - Room 302


Formal Methods meets ML: Synthesis, Verification and Beyond


In this talk I will describe some recent work in my group that brings together machine learning and formal methods. The talk will describe both how formal methods can feed off from each other to the benefit of both. Specifically, I will highlight three recent projects where the interaction of the two leads to new capabilities for both. First, I will talk about how ideas from AI and Machine learning can benefit program synthesis and lead to synthesis systems that are more flexible and easier to develop. I will also describe how ideas from formal methods can be used both to verify machine learning systems and to gain a better understanding of their behavior.


Bio: Armando Solar-Lezama is an associate professor in the department of electrical engineering and computer science at MIT. He leads the Computer Aided Programming group, which has been working on the application of learning and automated reasoning to automate challenging aspects of programming.