Sotirios Apostolakis will present his FPO "A Sensible Approach to Speculative Automatic Parallelization" on Wednesday, December 9, 2020 at 2pm via Zoom.

Zoom link:

The members of his committee are as follows:
Examiners: Davis August (adviser), Brian Kernighan, and Andrew Appel;  Readers: Zachary Kincaid and Simone Campanoni (Northwestern University)

A copy of his thesis is available upon request. Please email ngotsis@cs.princeton if you would like a copy of the thesis.

Everyone is invited to attend the talk. 

The promise of automatic parallelization, freeing programmers from the error-prone and
time-consuming process of making efficient use of parallel processing resources, remains
unrealized. For decades, the imprecision of memory analysis limited the applicability of
automatic parallelization. The introduction of speculation to automatic parallelization overcame these applicability limitations but caused profitability problems due to high communication and bookkeeping costs for speculation validation and commit.
This dissertation shifts the focus from applicability to profitability by making speculative automatic parallelization more efficient. Unlike current approaches that perform
analysis and transformations independently and in sequence, the proposed system integrates, without loss of modularity, memory analysis, speculative techniques, and enabling
Specifically, this dissertation involves three main contributions. First, it introduces a
novel speculation-aware collaborative analysis framework (SCAF) that minimizes the need
for high-overhead speculation. Second, it proposes a new parallelizing-compiler design that
enables careful planning. Third, it presents new efficient speculative privatization transformations that avoid privatization overheads of prior work.
SCAF learns of available speculative information via profiling, computes its full impact on memory dependence analysis, and makes this resulting information available for
all code optimizations. SCAF is modular (adding new analysis modules is easy) and collaborative (modules cooperate to produce a result more precise than the confluence of all
individual results). Relative to the best prior speculation-aware dependence analysis technique, SCAF dramatically reduces the need for expensive-to-validate memory speculation
in the hot loops of all 16 evaluated C/C++ SPEC benchmarks.
The introduction of planning in the compiler enables the selection of parallelizationenabling transformations based on their cost and overall impacts. The benefit is twofold.
First, the compiler only applies a minimal-cost set of enabling transformations. Second,
this decision-making process makes the addition of new efficient speculative enablers possible, including the proposed privatization transformations.
This dissertation integrates these contributions into a fully-automatic speculativeDOALL parallelization framework for commodity hardware. By reducing speculative
parallelization overheads in ways not possible with prior parallelization systems, this work
obtains higher overall program speedup (23.0⇥ for 12 general-purpose C/C++ programs
running on a 28-core shared-memory machine) than Privateer (11.5⇥), the prior automatic
speculative-DOALL system with the highest applicability.