NSF / WINLAB Workshop on Reconfigurable Radio Environments
Date: TODAY - Friday, November 13, 2020
Time: 12:00 – 2:30pm Eastern

Smart or reconfigurable radio environments have attracted considerable attention for next-generation wireless networks. In these networks, objects in the wireless environment are enhanced with passive or active reconfigurable antennas and reflectors or coatings of (meta)materials that can be electrically controlled to manipulate the scattering patterns of radio waves. These intelligent surfaces, combined with suitable control and sensing algorithms, offer the potential for increased coverage and data rates along with new sensing capabilities. Is this technology hype or real? This workshop brings together leading experts in the field to discuss the capabilities of intelligent reconfigurable radio environments and their impact on future wireless networks. The workshop is part of an effort linked to the National Center for Wireless Spectrum Research (SII-Center)

Marco di Renzo, CNRS Research Director – CentraleSupelec, Paris-Saclay University
Andrea Alu, CUNY Advanced Science Research Center
Emil Bjornson, Linköping University
Kyle Jamieson, Princeton University
Mark Rodwell, UCSB
Sergei Tretyakov, Aalto University
Yasaman Ghasempour, Princeton
Harish Krishnaswamy, Columbia

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