UPDATE: Ankit Goyal will present his Pre FPO on Wednesday, March 16 at 11am on Zoom and in CS 302


Zoom link: https://princeton.zoom.us/j/95476811864


Committee members: Jia Deng (examiner, adviser), Szymon Rusinkiewicz (examiner), Danqi Chen (examiner), Karthik Narasimhan (reader), Vladlen Koltun (reader, Apple)



Embodied Intelligent Agents are systems that have physical embodiment and can change the physical world to accomplish various goals. To act successfully, agents must have three capabilities. First, they must be able to perceive the 3D environment. Second, they must be able to reason about the 3D space. And third, they must be able to talk to humans about the 3D world. In this talk, I will present our efforts in building systems and benchmarks to improve embodied agents across all three capabilities