Nayden Nedev will present his MSE thesis talk on Thursday May 2 at 1PM in
Room 401 (note room!).  The members of his committee are:  David Walker,
advisor, and Jennifer Rexford, reader.  Everyone is invited to attend his talk.
His abstract follows below.


Title: Parallel Consistent Network Updates

Network configuration changes are a frequent operation performed by network administrators.
Unfortunately, these changes can result in a wide range of problems such as network outages,
security vulnerabilities or worse overall network performance.

A recent result in this area proposes the notion of consistent network update - an update that
preserves certain properties when updating from one network policy to another. The authors of the
mentioned work describe a per-packet consistent update algorithm that guarantees that every packet
in the network traverses either the old policy or the new one but not some mixture of the two.

With the advent of software-defined networking, development of centralized, tightly-coordinated
applications with strong global correctness properties has been made possible. However, it is an
open problem how to bring more parallelism to these applications and how to leverage general-purpose
multicore and multiprocessor machines to improve their performance. In this work, we propose two
parallelized versions of the per-packet consistency update mechanism. We implement them on top of
Floodlight - a new multi-threaded software-defined networking controller platform. We evaluate
their performance on two example applications - a network-wide host location learning and a
shortest-path routing application.