Minsung Kim will present his Pre FPO "Quantum and Quantum-Inspired Computation for Wireless Networks" on Friday, May 13, 2022 at 10am via Zoom.

Zoom link: https://princeton.zoom.us/j/97528898987

The members of his committee are as follows:
Examiners: Kyle Jamieson (adviser),  Jennifer Rexford, and Yasaman Ghasempour (ECE);
Readers:  Ravi Netravali,  Lin Zhong, and Davide Venturelli (NASA/USRA RIACS)

All are welcome to attend.


A central design challenge for future generations of wireless networks is to meet the ever-increasing demand for wireless capacity. While significant progress has been made in designing advanced wireless technologies, the current computational capacity at base stations to support them has been consistently identified as the bottleneck, due to limitations in processing time. Quantum computing is a potential tool to overcome the tradeoff between the wireless performance and computational complexity. It exploits unique information processing capabilities based on quantum mechanics to perform fast calculations that are intractable by traditional digital methods. In this talk, I will present design directions of quantum compute-enabled base station systems in wireless networks and introduce our prototype systems that are implemented on real-world quantum processors. The prototypes are designed for quantum-accelerated near-optimal wireless signal processing in Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) systems that could drastically increase wireless capacity for the cellular 5G New Radio roadmap, as well as in next generation wireless local area networks. I will provide design guidance of quantum, quantum-inspired classical, and classical-quantum hybrid optimization in the systems with underlying principles and technical details, and discuss future research directions based on the current challenges and opportunities.