Speaker: Carole-Jean Wu,  Facebook AI Research/ASU
Title: Deep Learning: It’s Not All About Recognizing Cats and Dogs
Day: Thursday, November 12, 2020 (ET)
Time: 12:30 pm
Zoom Link:  Please register using this link.
Hosts: Margaret Martonosi & David Wentzlaff

Abstract: In this seminar, we will start this seminar by examining the underinvested deep learning personalization and recommendation systems in the overall research community. The training of state-of-the-art industry-scale personalized and recommendation models consumes the highest number of compute cycles among all deep learning use cases. For AI inference, recommendation and ranking consume even higher compute cycles of 80%. What do state-of-the-art industry-scale neural personalization and recommendation models look like?

I will present recent advancement on the development of deep learning recommender systems, the implications on system and architectural design and parallelism opportunities across the machine learning system stack over a variety of platforms [HPCA-2020, ISCA-2020, HPCA-2021a]. I will conclude the talk with future directions on multi-scale system design and optimization to advance the field of AI [HPCA-2019, MICRO-2020, HPCA-2021b].

Bio: Carole-Jean Wu is a Research Scientist at Facebook AI Research. Her research focus lies in the domain of computer system architecture with particular emphasis on energy- and memory-efficient systems. Her recent research has pivoted into designing systems for machine learning execution at-scale, such as for personalized recommender systems and mobile deployment. Carole-Jean chairs the MLPerf Recommendation Benchmark Advisory Board and co-chairs MLPerf Inference.

Carole-Jean holds tenure from ASU. She received her M.A. and Ph.D. from Princeton and B.Sc. from Cornell. She is the recipient of the NSF CAREER Award, Facebook AI Infrastructure Mentorship Award, the IEEE Young Engineer of the Year Award, the Science Foundation Arizona Bisgrove Early Career Scholarship, and the Intel PhD Fellowship, among a number of Best Paper awards. She is a senior member of both ACM and IEEE.

This seminar is supported by CS and EE Korhammer Lecture Series Funds