Indu Panigrahi will present "Interactivity x Explainability: Toward Understanding How Interactivity Can Improve Computer Vision Explanations" on Thurs. February 27, 2025 at 12:30pm in CS 402.
Adviser: Parastoo Abtahi; Reader: Ruth Fong
  • Date: Thursday, February 27th, 2025
  • Time: 12:30pm
  • Location: CS 402
  • Title: Interactivity x Explainability: Toward Understanding How Interactivity Can Improve Computer Vision Explanations
  • Abstract: Explanations for computer vision models are important tools for interpreting how the underlying models work. However, they have traditionally been presented in static formats, which pose challenges for users, including information overload, a gap between semantic and pixel-level information, and limited opportunities for exploration. We investigate interactivity as a mechanism for tackling these issues in three common explanation types: heatmap-based, concept-based, and prototype-based explanations. We conducted a study (N=24), using a bird identification task, involving participants with diverse technical and domain expertise. We found that while interactivity enhances user control, facilitates how users interpret information, and allows users to expand their understanding of the model and explanation, it also introduces new challenges. To address these, we provide design recommendations for interactive computer vision explanations, including carefully selected default views, constrained output spaces, and optionality.
  • Additional note: Please try to email Indu at beforehand if you plan on attending so that we can have a rough headcount.