Colloquium Speaker

Thomas Anderson from the University of Washington

Giving TWO TALKS on Thursday, December 6


Thursday, December 6 - 12:30pm

Computer Science - Room 105


“High Performance Operating Systems in the Data Center”


The ongoing shift of enterprise computing to the cloud provides an opportunity

to rethink operating systems for this new setting.  I will discuss two specific technologies,

kernel bypass for high performance networking and low latency non-volatile storage,

and their implications for operating system design. In each case, delivering the

performance of the underlying hardware requires novel approaches to the division

of labor between hardware, the operating system kernel, and the application library.


Thursday, December 6 - 4:30pm

Computer Science - Room 104


“A Case for An Open Source CS Curriculum”


Despite rapidly increasing enrollment in CS courses, the academic CS community is failing to keep pace with demand for trained CS students, leading to escalating starting salaries for our students. Further, the knowledge of how to teach students up to the state of the art is increasingly segregated into a small cohort of schools who mostly cater to students from families in the top 10% of the income distribution.


Even in the best case, those schools lack the aggregate capacity to teach more than a small fraction of the nation's need for engineers and computer scientists.  MOOCs can help, but they are mainly effective at retraining existing college graduates. In practice, most low and middle income students need a human teacher. In this talk I argue for building an open source CS curriculum, with autograded projects, instructional software, textbooks, and slideware, as an aid for teachers who want to improve the education in advanced CS topics at schools attended by the children of the 90%. I will give as an example our work on replicating teaching advanced operating systems and distributed systems.



Tom Anderson is the Warren Francis and Wilma Kolm Bradley Chair in the Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Washington. His research interests span all aspects of building practical, robust, and efficient computer systems, including distributed systems, operating systems, computer networks, multiprocessors, and security. He is a member of the National Academy of Engineering and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, as well as winner of the USENIX Lifetime Achievement Award, the USENIX STUG Award, the IEEE Koji Kobayashi Computer and Communications Award, the ACM SIGOPS Mark Weiser Award, and the IEEE Communications Society William R. Bennett Prize. He is also an ACM Fellow, past program chair of SIGCOMM and SOSP, and he has co-authored twenty-one award papers and one widely used undergraduate textbook.