Hello all-

Reminder about this talk tomorrow by Dr. Shijia Pan who is a post-doc at CMU. CS402 at 12:30pm with pizza beforehand.   

Please let me know if you’re interested in talking 1-1 with her — she still has a couple afternoon slots left in her schedule.

All the best,

Margaret Martonosi
H. T. Adams '35 Professor of Computer Science.
Director, Keller Center for Innovation in Engineering Education
Princeton University ■ mrm@princeton.edu ■ http://www.princeton.edu/~mrm

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Emily Lawrence" <emilyl@CS.Princeton.EDU>
Subject: [talks] Seminar-Dr. Shijia Pan, Thursday, September 27
Date: September 17, 2018 at 10:51:21 AM EDT
To: <talks@lists.cs.princeton.edu>

Seminar Speaker
Dr. Shijia Pan from Carnegie Mellon University
Thursday, September 27, 2018 - 12:30pm
Computer Science - Room 402
Host: Margaret Martonosi
“Indoor Human Information Acquisition from Physical Vibrations”
The number of everyday smart devices (such as smart TV, Samsung SmartThings, Nest, Google
Home) is projected to grow to the billions in the coming decade. The Cyber-Physical Systems or Internet
of Things systems that consist of these devices are used to obtain human information for various smart
building applications. Different sensing approaches have been explored, including vision-, sound-, RF-,
mobile-, and load-based methods, to obtain various indoor human information. From the system
perspective, general problems faced by these existing technologies are their sensing requirements (e.g.,
line-of-sight, high deployment density, carrying a device) and intrusiveness (e.g., privacy concerns).
My research focuses on non-intrusive indoor human information acquisition through ambient
structural vibration, which is referred to as ’structures as sensors’. People’s interaction with structures in
the ambient environment (e.g., floor, table, door) induces those structures to vibrate. By capturing and
analyzing the vibration response of structures, we can indirectly infer information about the people and
their actions that cause it. However, challenges remain. Due to the complexity of the physical world (in
this case, both structures and people), sensing data distributions can change significantly under different
sensing conditions. Therefore, from the data perspective, accurate information learning through a pure
data-driven approach requires a large amount of labeled data, which is costly and difficult if not
impossible to obtain in real-world sensing applications. My research addresses these challenges by
combining physical knowledge and data-driven approaches. Specifically, my system can robustly learn
human information from limited labeled data distributions by iteratively expanding the labeled dataset.
With insights into the relationship between changes of sensing data distributions and measurable physical
attributes, the iterative algorithm guides the expansion order by measured physical attributes to ensure a
high learning accuracy in each iteration.
Dr. Shijia Pan is a postdoctoral researcher at Carnegie Mellon University. She received her Bachelor's
degree in Computer Science and Technology from University of Science and Technology of China and
her Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University. Her research
interests include cyber-physical systems, Internet-of-Things (IoT), and ubiquitous computing. She worked
in multiple disciplines and focused on indoor human information acquisition through ambient sensing.
She has published in both top-tier Computer Science ACM/IEEE conferences (IPSN, UbiComp) and
high-impact Civil Engineering journals (Journal of Sound and Vibration, Frontiers Built Environment).
She is the recipient of numerous awards and fellowships, including Rising Stars in EECS, Nick G.
Vlahakis Graduate Fellowship, Google Anita Borg Scholarship, Best Poster Awards (SenSys, IPSN), Best
Demo Award (Ubicomp), Best Presentation Award (SenSys Doctoral Colloquium), and Audience Choice
Award (BuildSys) from ACM/IEEE conferences.
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