Procedural Instructions for People and Machines
Floraine Berthouzoz,
University of California, Berkeley
Monday, March 4, 2013, 4:30pm
Computer Science, 105
Procedural tasks such as following a recipe or editing an image are very
common. They require a person to execute a sequence of operations (e.g.
chop the onions, or sharpen the image) and people commonly use
step-by-step tutorials to learn these tasks. We focus on the domain of
photo manipulations and have developed tools and techniques to help
people learn, compare and automate photo manipulation procedures. We
present a demonstration-based system for automatically generating
succinct step-by-step visual tutorials of photo manipulations. Our
tutorials are quick to generate. Moreover, users are faster and make
fewer errors with our tutorials compared to book and video tutorials. We
also demonstrate a new interface that allows learners to browse,
analyze and compare large collections (i.e. thousands) of photo
manipulation tutorials based on their command-level structure. Finally,
we present a framework for generating content-adaptive macros (programs)
that can transfer complex photo manipulation procedures to new target
images. Together these tools allow people to learn, compare and automate
procedural knowledge.
Floraine Berthouzoz is a Ph.D. candidate in the Computer Science
Department at the University of California, Berkeley. Her research lies
at the intersection of computer graphics and human-computer
interactions, and aims at building tools that ultimately make it faster
and easier for people to create high quality visual content. She has
also developed a number of techniques that improve the way people learn
procedural instructions. She is the recipient of a 2009 ETH Medal of
Honor and a 2010 Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship. During her
graduate studies, Floraine worked as a visiting researcher at the
University of Tokyo, the Hebrew University, Columbia University and
Adobe Systems. Floraine also co-founded CS KickStart, an outreach
program for incoming undergraduate women. Since 2011, this program has
significantly increased the number of undergraduate women pursuing
computer science degrees at Berkeley.