Colloquium Speaker
Kyle Jamieson, University College, London
Monday, April 13, 12:30pm
Computer Science 105
Leveraging Array Signal Processing in the Wireless Internet of Things
array signal processing has long been employed outdoors in radar,
underwater in sonar, and underground in seismic monitoring. Today, it
has the potential to revolutionize the Internet of Things (IoT) by
giving us the ability to track every one of the billions of IoT devices
indoors, and meet their exploding bandwidth requirements. But to make
the shift to indoor wireless networks, it must cope with strong
multipath radio reflections, packetized data transmissions, and
commodity hardware platforms. In this talk I will describe two relevant
systems through the lens of system-building and experimentation. First, I
will describe an indoor location system that uses solely the existing
Wi-Fi infrastructure to achieve a median location accuracy of 23
centimeters, and sub-second response time, allowing Wi-Fi-enabled
devices to be tracked in real-time. Next, I will present a MIMO-based
Sphere Decoder system that leverages novel search algorithms and
geometric reasoning to increase wireless throughput, the first of its
kind that scales to 256-QAM constellation densities with computational
demands that are practically realizable in current ASIC hardware.
Finally, I will conclude with a vision of how these techniques will
support exciting IoT applications such as video analytics over billions
of indoor wireless cameras.
Kyle Jamieson is a Senior Lecturer
(U.S. equivalent: Assistant Professor) in the Department of Computer
Science at University College London (UCL). His research interests are
in building wirelessly networked systems for the real world that cut
across the boundaries of digital communications and networking. Prior to
joining UCL, he received the B.S., M.Eng., and Ph.D. (2008) degrees in
Computer Science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He then
received a Starting Investigator fellowship from the European Research
Council in 2011, Best Paper awards at USENIX 2013 and CoNEXT 2014, and a
Google Faculty Research Award in 2015. He regularly serves on the
program committees of the ACM MobiCom, USENIX NSDI, and ACM SIGCOMM