Correction: Speaker Mae Milano will be on Thursday, April 6.

Speaker: Venkat Arun, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Date: Monday, April 3 
Time: 12:30pm EST
Location: CS 105
Host: Ravi Netravali
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Title: Designing Provably Performant Networked Systems

Abstract:  As networked systems become critical infrastructure, their design must reflect their new societal role. Today, we build systems with hundreds of heuristics but often do not understand their inherent and emergent behaviors. I will present a set of tools and techniques to prove performance properties of heuristics running in real-world conditions. Rigorous proofs can not only inspire confidence in our designs, but also give counter-intuitive insights about their performance.

A key theme in our approach is to model uncertainty in systems using non-random, non-deterministic objects that cover a wide range of possible behaviors under a single abstraction. Such models allow us to analyze complex system behaviors using automated reasoning techniques. I will present automated tools to analyze congestion control and process scheduling algorithms. These tools prove performance properties and find counter-examples where widely deployed heuristics fail. I will also show that current end-to-end congestion control algorithms that bound delay cannot avoid starvation and present a method to beamform wireless signals using thousands of antennas.

Bio: Venkat Arun is a PhD candidate at MIT working with Hari Balakrishnan and Mohammad Alizadeh. His work spans internet congestion control, video streaming, privacy-preserving computation, wireless networks, and mobile systems. Across these areas, a unifying theme of his work is to bridge between heuristics that systems use in practice and proofs of how well they work. He believes that rigorous proof combined with automated reasoning will enable us to make networked systems more robust and performant. He has won two ACM SIGCOMM best paper awards and the president of India gold medal.

Speaker: Rika Antonova, Stanford University
Date: Tuesday, April 4
Time: 12:30pm EST
Location: CS 105
Host: Szymon Rusinkiewicz
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Title: Enabling Self-Sufficient Robot Learning

Abstract:  Autonomous exploration and data-efficient learning are important ingredients for helping machine learning handle the complexity and variety of real-world interactions. In this talk, I will describe methods that provide these ingredients and serve as building blocks for enabling self-sufficient robot learning.
First, I will outline a family of methods that facilitate active global exploration. Specifically, they enable ultra data-efficient Bayesian optimization in reality by leveraging experience from simulation to shape the space of decisions. In robotics, these methods enable success with a budget of only 10-20 real robot trials for a range of tasks: bipedal and hexapod walking, task-oriented grasping, and nonprehensile manipulation.
Next, I will describe how to bring simulations closer to reality. This is especially important for scenarios with highly deformable objects, where simulation parameters influence the dynamics in unintuitive ways. The success here hinges on finding a good representation for the state of deformables. I will describe adaptive distribution embeddings that provide an effective way to incorporate noisy state observations into modern Bayesian tools for simulation parameter inference. This novel representation ensures success in estimating posterior distributions over simulation parameters, such as elasticity, friction, and scale, even for scenarios with highly deformable objects and using only a small set of real-world trajectories.
Lastly, I will share a vision of using distribution embeddings to make the space of stochastic policies in reinforcement learning suitable for global optimization. This research direction involves formalizing and learning novel distance metrics on this space and will support principled ways of seeking diverse behaviors. This can unlock truly autonomous learning, where learning agents have incentives to explore, build useful internal representations and discover a variety of effective ways of interacting with the world.

Bio: Rika is a postdoctoral scholar at Stanford University and a recipient of the NSF/CRA Computing Innovation Fellowship. Rika completed her Ph.D. work on data-efficient simulation-to-reality transfer at KTH. Earlier, she obtained a research Master's degree from the Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University. Before that, Rika was a software engineer at Google, first in the Search Personalization group, then in the Character Recognition team (developing open-source OCR engine Tesseract).

Speaker: Lydia Liu, Cornell University
Date: Wednesday, April 5
Time: 12:30pm EST
Location: CS 105
Hosts: Olga Russakovsky and Peter Ramadge 
Event page: 

Title: Towards Responsible Machine Learning in Societal Systems

Abstract:  Machine learning systems are deployed in consequential domains such as education, employment, and credit, where decisions have profound effects on socioeconomic opportunity and life outcomes. High stakes decision settings present new statistical, algorithmic, and ethical challenges. In this talk, we examine the distributive impact of machine learning algorithms in societal contexts, and investigate the algorithmic and sociotechnical interventions that bring machine learning systems into alignment with societal values---equity and long-term welfare. First, we study the dynamic interactions between machine learning algorithms and populations, for the purpose of mitigating disparate impact in applications such as algorithmic lending and hiring. Next, we consider data-driven decision systems in competitive environments such as markets, and devise learning algorithms to ensure efficiency and allocative fairness. We end by outlining future directions for responsible machine learning in societal systems that bridge the gap between the optimization of predictive models and the evaluation of downstream decisions and impact.

Bio: Lydia T. Liu is a postdoctoral researcher in Computer Science at Cornell University, working with Jon Kleinberg, Karen Levy, and Solon Barocas. Her research examines the theoretical foundations of machine learning and algorithmic decision-making, with a focus on societal impact and human welfare. She obtained her PhD in Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences from UC Berkeley, advised by Moritz Hardt and Michael Jordan, and has received a Microsoft Ada Lovelace Fellowship, an Open Philanthropy AI Fellowship, an NUS Development Grant, and a Best Paper Award at the International Conference on Machine Learning.

This talk is co-sponsored with Electrical and Computer Engineering and the Center for Information Technology Policy.

Speaker: Mae Milano, University of California, Berkeley
Date: Thursday, April 6
Time: 12:30pm EST
Location: CS 105
Host: Andrew Appel 
Event page: 

Title: Programming Distributed Systems

Abstract:  Our interconnected world is increasingly reliant on distributed systems of unprecedented scale, serving applications which must share state across the globe. And, despite decades of research, we're still not sure how to program them!  In this talk, I'll show how to use ideas from programming languages to make programming at scale easier, without sacrificing performance, correctness, or expressive power in the process.  We'll see how slight tweaks to modern imperative programming languages can provably eliminate common errors due to replica consistency or concurrency---with little to no programmer effort.  We'll see how new language designs can unlock new systems designs, yielding both more comprehensible protocols and better performance.  And we'll conclude by imagining together the role that a new cloud-centric programming language could play in the next generation of distributed programs.

Bio: Mae Milano is a postdoctoral scholar at UC Berkeley working at the intersection of Programming Languages, Distributed Systems, and Databases.  Her work has appeared at top-tier venues including PLDI, OOPSLA, POPL, VLDB, and TOCS, and has attracted the attention of the Swift language team. She is a recipient of the NDSEG Fellowship, has won several awards for her writing and service, and is a founding member of the Computing Connections Fellowship's selection committee (

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