Cyril Zhang will present his FPO "Regret-Minimizing Algorithms Beyond Classical Optimization and Control" on Thursday, 9/10/2020 at 4:40pm via Zoom.
Link to Zoom:
The members of his committee are as follows: Readers: Elad Hazan (Adviser) and Yoram Singer; Examiners: Karthik Narasimhan, Mark Braverman, and Sanjeev Arora
A copy of his thesis, is available upon request. Please email ngotsis@cs.princeton if you would like a copy of the thesis.
Everyone is invited to attend his talk. Abstract follows below.
Temporally correlated data and non-convex programs are two core challenges which lie at the frontier
of reconciling theory and practice in machine learning. In this thesis, we present varied perspectives
on algorithms and provable learning guarantees in stateful and non-convex environments, such as
those encountered in reinforcement learning, control theory, time-series analysis, and deep learning.
These ideas are unified by the framework of online convex optimization, which provides robust
algorithmic primitives and regret guarantees under minimal assumptions on the data.
The recurring theme of leveraging regret minimization beyond classical settings will manifest in
several ways, eclectic in their scope. First, we develop a solution concept and ecient algorithms
for online non-convex optimization in its most generic form. Next, in a line of theoretical work
on prediction and control in the presence of linear time-invariant state transitions, beyond the
linear-quadratic-Gaussian assumptions of classical control theory, we use online learning with convex
relaxations to bypass the computational and statistical brittleness of the usual system identification
pipelines. Finally, we use online convex optimization as a testbed for principled algorithm design,
towards improving and better understanding ubiquitous training heuristics in deep learning.