Integration of genomics data has already been shown to be helpful in improving our understanding of functional relationships between genes in a wide range of organisms, including yeast, worm, mouse, and human. As the quantity of these datasets increases, we are presented with the opportunity not only in improving functional predictions between genes, but also in attempting to attack this difficult problem of understanding functional relationships in tissue-specific contexts, with the eventual goal of developing a better understanding of alternative splicing and isoform expression in different tissues. We create tissue-specific functional networks in C. elegans by utilizing knowledge of already curated tissue-specific genes in our integration of available genomics data using Bayesian learning methods. By extending our tissue-specific functional predictions in genes to differentially spliced exons and leveraging known protein domain interaction data, we hope to be able to predict potential tissue-specific protein interactions. These predictions would be extremely useful for improving our understanding of tissue-specific processes.
Reading list:
Introduction to Machine Learning (second edition) by Ethem Alpaydin
Ch 1 Introduction
Ch 2 Supervised Learning
Ch 3 Bayesian Decision Theory
Ch 4 Parametric Methods
Ch 5 Multivariate Methods
Ch 8 Nonparametric Methods
Ch 10 Linear Discrimination
Ch 14 Bayesian Estimation
Ch 17 Combining Multiple Learners
Ch 19 Design and Analysis of Machine Learning Experiments
Anders S, Huber W (2010) Differential expression analysis for sequence count data. Genome Biology 11:R106.
Anders S, Reyes A, Huber W (2012) Detecting differential usage of exons from RNA-seq data. Genome Research 22: 2008-2017.
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Chikina MD, Huttenhower C, Murphy CT, Troyanskaya OG (2009) Global Prediction of Tissue-Specific Gene Expression and Context-Dependent Gene Networks in Caenorhabditis elegans. PLoS Comput Biol 5(6): e1000417.
Guan Y, Gorenshteyn D, Burmeister M, Wong AK, Schimenti JC, Handel MA, Bult CJ, Hibbs MA, Troyanskaya OG (2012) Tissue-specific functional networks for prioritizing phenotype and disease genes. PLoS Comput Biol 8(9): e1002694.
Kim D, Pertea G, Trapnell C, Pimentel H, Kelley H, Salzberg SL (2013) TopHat2: accurate alignment of transcriptomes in the presence of insertions, deletions and gene fusions. Genome Biology 14:R36.
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