Guaranteed Learning of Latent Variable Models: Overlapping Community Models and Overcomplete Representations
Thursday, February 27, 4:30pm
Computer Science 105
Incorporating latent or hidden variables is a crucial aspect of
statistical modeling. I will present a statistical and a computational
framework for guaranteed learning of a wide range of latent variable
models. I will focus on two instances, viz., community detection and
overcomplete representations.
The goal of community detection is to discover hidden communities from
graph data. I will present a tensor decomposition approach for learning
probabilistic mixed membership models. The tensor approach is guaranteed
to correctly recover the mixed membership communities with tight
guarantees. We have deployed it on many real-world networks, e.g.
Facebook, Yelp and DBLP. It is easily parallelizable, and is orders of
magnitude faster than the state-of-art stochastic variational approach.
I will then discuss recent results on learning overcomplete latent
representations, where the latent dimensionality can far exceed the
observed dimensionality. I will present two frameworks, viz., sparse
coding and sparse topic modeling. Identifiability and efficient learning
are established under some natural conditions such as incoherent
dictionaries or persistent topics.
Anima Anandkumar is a faculty at the EECS Dept. at U.C.Irvine since
August 2010. Her research interests are in the area of large-scale
machine learning and high-dimensional statistics. She received her
B.Tech in Electrical Engineering from IIT Madras in 2004 and her PhD
from Cornell University in 2009. She has been a visiting faculty at
Microsoft Research New England in 2012 and a postdoctoral researcher at
the Stochastic Systems Group at MIT between 2009-2010. She is the
recipient of the Microsoft Faculty Fellowship, ARO Young Investigator
Award, NSF CAREER Award, IBM Fran Allen PhD fellowship, thesis award
from ACM SIGMETRICS society, paper awards from the ACM SIGMETRICS and
IEEE Signal Processing societies, and 2014 Sloan Fellowship.