Title: Type-Preserving
Compilation for
Large-Scale Optimizing Object-Oriented Compilers
Abstract: Type-preserving
translate well-typed source code into verifiable target code, so that
we do not
have to trust the compilers. This talk explains our experience with
type-preserving compilation in large-scale object-oriented compilers.
type systems are simpler than existing class and object encodings, yet
expressive enough to describe standard implementation techniques for
object-oriented primitives. We implemented the type systems in an
optimizing compiler with 200,000 lines of code, an order of magnitude
than existing systems. The generated target code is only 2.3% slower
the base compiler's generated untyped code, and the type-preserving
compiler is
42% slower than the base compiler.
Juan Chen received her PhD from Princeton in 2004. She is a
researcher in the Advanced Compiler Technology group at Microsoft