​Colloquium Speaker
Xiang 'Anthony' Chen, Carnegie Mellon University
Thursday, March 9, 2017 - 12:30pm
Computer Science 105
Host: Prof. Szymon Rusinkiewicz

Computational Design and Fabrication to Augment the Physical World

We are looking towards a future where a wide range of fabrication machines--from desktop 3D printers to industrial robotic arms--will allow end-users to create physical objects of their own designs. I develop computational design tools that enable end-users to express and convey their ideas into fabrication-ready 3D models. For example, Encore lets users print new parts directly onto, around or through existing objects; Reprise helps users generate and customize adaptations to mechanically enhance existing objects; Façade creates Braille overlays from user-taken photos to make appliances visually accessible; Forté turns a user's design into structures that can robustly support existing objects. In all these tools, the ultimate goal of fabrication is to augment the physical world, extending, adapting, annotating, or supporting existing objects to improve the quality of users' everyday lives.

Xiang 'Anthony' Chen is a PhD student working with Scott Hudson and Stelian Coros from the School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University. His research develops technical and design approaches to build novel human-computer interfaces that enhance users' physical interactivity with ubiquitous computers, or enable their creativity in fabricating physical objects of their design (e.g., using 3D printing). Anthony is an Adobe Research Fellow in Human-Computer Interaction. Frequently collaborating with industrial research labs (Microsoft, Autodesk, and Google), he has published 13 papers in top-tier HCI conferences and journal (CHI, UIST, and TOCHI) and has received two best paper awards.