This afternoon at 4:30pm in Computer Science 105 (Small Auditorium), the Center for Information Technology Policy (CITP) and the PIIRS Global Systemic Risk research community are co-hosting a public lecture and discussion on "Internet Resilience: Global Network, Global Risks" with Jennifer Rexford and Nick Feamster. Jen is Chair of the Computer Science Department at Princeton and Nick is Professor of Computer Science and Acting Director of CITP.
In the study of systemic risk, the Internet is an informative case study as it is our most recently created system, consciously designed and constructed with the goal of avoiding fragility and failure. Internet resilience has emerged as an increasingly critical area of study, as more and more of our systems—finance, infrastructure, transportation, health care, agriculture, energy & electricity, among others—are interconnected with and interdependent upon the Internet. In addition to the impact of the Internet on these macro systems that support our lives, we are increasingly affected by Internet security on an individual level, as many of our consumer products—such as smartphones, refrigerators, thermostats, and cars—are becoming connected to and reliant upon the Internet in the emerging "Internet of Things" (IoT).
Jen and Nick will discuss architecture and design of the Internet, how it operates, security risks, and instances of attacks and failures. One topic of discussion will be security threats posed by IoT addressed in recent CITP research (news and report).
Brief bios for Jen and Nick and an abstract for their talk are below. The lecture will be held this afternoon, Wednesday, November 30th, at 4:30pm in Computer Science 105 (Small Auditorium), and will be followed by Q&A and discussion. The talk is open to the public—please share this invitation with members of your department and all those you think may be interested.
Abstract: The Internet has rapidly become a critical part of the world's communications infrastructure. Yet this global “network of networks” is remarkably vulnerable to cyberattacks, physical damage, and manipulation of the user experience through censorship, wiretapping, and propaganda. In this public discussion, we discuss how the Internet consists of tens of thousands of networks owned by different institutions in different countries, with different economic and political goals. We discuss how early decisions in the design of the Internet led to both tremendous innovation and the substantial security and privacy risks. The architecture of the Internet is a case study in the design and construction of resilient networks and systems. However, as more of our global systems—and our lives and livelihoods—become increasingly interdependent on the Internet, the potential fragility of the Internet is an increasing cause for concern and academic study.
Jennifer Rexford is the Gordon Y.S. Wu Professor of Engineering, and Chair of the Computer Science Department. Before joining Princeton in 2005, she worked for eight years at AT&T Labs—Research. She is a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the National Academy of Engineering and was the 2004 winner of ACM's Grace Murray Hopper Award for outstanding young computer professional. She is co-author of the book Web Protocols and Practice (2001). She received her B.S.E. in electrical engineering from Princeton, and her Ph.D. in electrical engineering and computer science from the University of Michigan.
Nick Feamster is Professor of Computer Science and Acting Director of the Center for Information Technology Policy (CITP) at Princeton. His research focuses on networked computer systems, with a strong emphasis on network operations, network architecture and protocol design, high performance wired and wireless networks, and anti-censorship techniques and systems. The collective goal of these research areas is to help network operators to manage their networks better and enable users of these networks to experience high availability and end-to-end performance. He received both his B.S. in electrical engineering and computer science and his Ph.D. in computer science from MIT.