Reading list:
1. VAN KAICK, O., ZHANG, H., HAMARNEH, G., AND COHEN- OR, D. 2010. A survey on shape correspondence. Eurographics State-of-the-Art report.
2. BRONSTEIN, A. M., BRONSTEIN, M. M., AND KIMMEL, R. 2006. Generalized multidimensional scaling: a framework for isometry-invariant partial surface matching. PNAS
3 . KIM, V. G., LIPMAN, Y., AND FUNKHOUSER, T. 2011. Blended intrinsic maps. ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc of SIGGRAPH 2011).
4. MARZAL, A., AND PALAZO ́ N, V. 2005. Dynamic time warping of cyclic strings for shape matching. Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis,
5. SCHREINER, J., ASIRVATHAM, A., PRAUN, E., AND HOPPE, H. 2004. Inter-surface mapping. ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc of SIGGRAPH 2004).
6. XU, K., ZHANG, H., TAGLIASACCHI, A., LIU, L., LI, G., MENG, M., AND XIONG, Y. 2009. Partial intrinsic reflectional symmetry of 3d shapes. ACM Transactions on Graphics
7. ZHANG, H., SHEFFER, A., COHEN-OR, D., ZHOU, Q., VAN KAICK, O., AND TAGLIASACCHI, A. 2008. Deformation driven shape correspondence. Computer Graphics Forum, vol. 27, Wiley Online Library, 1431–1439.
8. PODOLAK, J., SHILANE, P., GOLOVINSKIY, A., RUSINKIEWICZ, S., AND FUNKHOUSER, T. 2006. A planar-reflective symmetry transform for 3d shapes, ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc of SIGGRAPH 2006)
9. PRAUN, E., SWELDENS, W., AND SCHRO ̈ DER, P. 2001. Consistent mesh parameterizations. ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc of SIGGRAPH 2001).
10. HILAGA, M., SHINAGAWA, Y., KOHMURA, T., AND KUNII, T. 2001. Topology matching for fully automatic similarity estimation of 3d shapes. Proceedings of the 28th annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques, ACM, 203– 212.
11. SUNDAR, H., SILVER, D., GAGVANI, N., AND DICKINSON, S. 2003. Skeleton based shape matching and retrieval. In Shape Modeling International, 2003, IEEE, 130–139.
12. DONALD D. HEARN, M. PAULINE BAKER, Computer Graphics with Open GL (4th Edition):