Dear colleagues and friends:


You are cordially invited to join us on October 29, Tuesday at Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment 2024 Annual Meeting. This year we will focus on the synergy between Energy and AI.


Registration Link:

The event is in-person only.


Speaker Institutions

- Academia: Princeton, Harvard, Clemson, NYU

- Industry: Microsoft, Nvidia, Google, AMD, Meta, NEC, ECP

- Government: FERC, DOE


Speaker List:

- Melanie Nakagawa, Chief Sustainability Officer, Microsoft

- Jennifer Rexford, Provost, Princeton

- Iain McCulloch, Director, ACEE, Princeton


Panel #1: Energy and the Future of Computing

- David Wentzlaff, Princeton

- Tom Gray, NVIDIA

- Stephen Kosonocky, AMD

- Carole-Jean Wu, Meta

- Mark Johnson, Clemson University


Panel #2: Power for AI

- Jesse Jenkins, Princeton

- Allison Clements, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

- Matt DeNichilo, ECP (Energy Capital Partners)

- Lucia Tian, Google


Panel #3, AI for Power

- Minjie Chen, Princeton

- Na Li, Harvard University

- Tassos Golnas, U.S. Department of Energy

- Chris White, NEC Corporation

- Egemen Kolemen, Princeton


Panel #4, AI for Climate

- Gabriel Vecchi, Princeton

- Adji Bousso Dieng, Princeton

- Reed Maxwell, Princeton

- Laure Zanna, New York University



Minjie Chen

2024 ACEE Annual Meeting Faculty co-Chair


Minjie Chen

Associate Professor

Associate Director of Research, ACEE

Associate Director of Graduate Studies, ECE

Princeton University
