Embracing Interference in Wireless Systems
Shyamnath Gollakota,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Monday, March 26, 4:30pm
Computer Science Small Auditorium (Room 105)
The wireless medium is a shared resource. If nearby devices transmit at
the same
time, the transmitted signals interfere, resulting in a collision. In
traditional networks, collisions cause the loss of the transmitted
For this reason, wireless systems have been designed with the assumption that
interference is intrinsically harmful and must be avoided.
My research takes an alternate approach: Instead of viewing interference as an
inherently counterproductive phenomenon that should to be avoided, I design
practical systems that can successfully reconstruct the transmitted
even in the presence of collisions; hence, rendering the interference
Moreover, these new systems can exploit interference constructively to
throughput and improve security.
In the talk, I will present the first WiFi receiver that decodes colliding
packets, rendering WiFi interference harmless. I will also show how to inject
useful interference that increases network throughput using a system called
analog network coding. Then, I will talk about the role of interference in
improving security. I will use interference to secure insecure medical
implants, and establish secure wireless connections without having users enter
passwords or use pre-shared secret keys.
Shyamnath Gollakota is a PhD candidate in Electrical Engineering and Computer
Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. His research in
networking focuses on addressing wireless interference and security. He has
been awarded the ACM SIGCOMM 2008 Best paper award for ZigZag decoding, ACM
SIGCOMM 2011 Best Paper Award for securing medical implants, and AT&T Applied
Security Award for password-free wireless security. His work has appeared in
venues like Slashdot, BBC Radio, Forbes, and Network World. He received his
masters in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at MIT, and a bachelors
degree in Computer Science and Engineering at IIT Madras.