Joshua Podolak will present his preFPO on Thursday December 14 at 3:30PM in
Room 402.  The members of his committee are Szymon Rusinkiewicz, advisor;
Adam Finkelstein and Tom Funkhouser, readers; David Dobkin and Bernard
Chazelle, nonreaders.  Everyone is invited to attend his talk.  His abstract follows
Symmetry is an important feature of almost all shapes:  nearly every man-made object contains at least one plane of perfect symmetry and most natural objects exhibit near-perfect symmetries.  However, symmetry information has been underutilized in computer graphics. In this thesis we will analyze both the perfect and the imperfect symmetries of 2D and 3D models and define a symmetry transform that captures all planar symmetries.  We then examine some applications that can benefit from symmetry information such as alignment, completion, shape matching, segmentation, automatic viewpoint selection and remeshing.