Claudia Roberts will present her General Exam "Selectively Contextual Bandits" on Thursday, January 23, 2020 at 2pm in CS 402.

The members of her committee are as follows: Arvind Narayanan (adviser), Matthew Salganik (SOC), and Barbara Engelhardt

Everyone is invited to attend her talk, and those faculty wishing to remain for the oral exam following are welcome to do so.  Her abstract and reading list follow below.

Personalization is an integral part of most web-service applications and determines which experience to display to each member. A popular algorithmic framework used in industrial personalization systems are contextual bandits, which seek to learn a personalized treatment assignment policy in the presence of treatment effects that vary with the observed contextual features of the members. In order to keep the optimization task tractable, such systems can myopically make independent personalization decisions that can conspire to create a suboptimal experience in the aggregate of the member’s interaction with the web-service. We design a new family of online learning algorithms that benefit from personalization while optimizing the aggregate impact of the many independent decisions. Our approach selectively interpolates between any contextual bandit algorithm and any context-free multi-armed bandit algorithm and leverages the contextual information for a treatment decision only if this information promises significant gains over a decision that does not take it into account. Apart from helping users of personalization systems feel less targeted, simplifying the treatment assignment policy by making it selectively reliant on the context can help improve the rate of learning. We evaluate our approach on several datasets including a video subscription web-service and show the benefits of such a hybrid policy.

Reading List

Methods/Techniques (Contextual Bandits)


Historical Context 
