Here are next week's CS Department Colloquium Series talks.  As always, you can find the full calendar of events here: 

Speaker: Adam Fisch, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Date: Monday, March 27
Time: 12:30pm EST
Location: CS 105
Host: Karthik Narasimhan
Event page:

Title: Towards Efficient and Reliable Machine Learning for Natural Language Processing (and Beyond)

Abstract: In this talk, I will introduce work on fundamental techniques for building and deploying effective natural language processing (NLP) systems that are also efficient and reliable. Specifically, I will address three interconnected challenges for modern machine learning in NLP: how to quickly adapt foundation models to new tasks with limited data, how to dynamically reconfigure large architectures for more efficient computation, and how to develop powerful theoretical tools for rigorous, yet practical, uncertainty quantification. To conclude, I will highlight a number of my future research directions, as well as extensions to interesting applications beyond natural language.

Bio: Adam Fisch is a PhD candidate at MIT working with Regina Barzilay and Tommi Jaakkola, and a recipient of an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship. His research centers around principled methods for efficient and reliable machine learning systems that work effectively in realistic scenarios, and has appeared in top-tier venues such as *ACL, ICLR, ICML, and NeurIPS. Adam also served as a co-instructor for the tutorial on Uncertainty Estimation for NLP at COLING 2022, and as a co-organizer of the Machine Reading for Question Answering workshops at EMNLP 2019 and 2021. Prior to MIT, Adam was a research engineer at Meta (Facebook) AI Research for two years, and studied mechanical engineering as an undergraduate at Princeton University.

Speaker: Aviral Kumar, University of California, Berkeley
Date: Tuesday, March 28
Time: 12:30pm EST
Location: CS 105
Host: Jia Deng
Event page:

Title: Reinforcement Learning from Static Datasets: Algorithms, Analysis and Applications

Abstract: Typically, reinforcement learning (RL) methods rely on trial-and-error interaction with the environment from scratch to discover effective behaviors. While this sort of paradigm has the potential to discover good strategies, this paradigm also inhibits RL methods from collecting enough experience or training data in real-world problems where active interaction is expensive (e.g., in drug design) or dangerous (e.g., for robots operating around humans). My work develops approaches to alleviate this limitation: how can we learn policies to effectively make decisions entirely from previously-collected, static datasets in an offline manner? In this talk, I will discuss challenges that appear in this kind of offline reinforcement learning (offline RL) and develop algorithms and techniques to address these challenges. I will then discuss how my approaches for offline RL and decision-making have enabled us to make progress in real-world problems such as hardware accelerator design, robotic manipulation, and computational chemistry. Finally, I will discuss how we can enable offline RL methods to benefit from generalization capabilities offered by large and expressive models, similar to supervised learning.

Bio: Aviral Kumar is a final year Ph.D. student at UC Berkeley. His research focuses on developing effective and reliable approaches for (sequential) decision-making. Towards this goal, he focuses on designing reinforcement learning techniques to static datasets and on understanding and applying these methods in practice. Before his Ph.D., Aviral obtained his B.Tech. in Computer Science from IIT Bombay in India. He is a recipient of the C.V. & Daulat Ramamoorthy Distinguished Research Award, given to 1 PhD student in EECS at Berkeley for outstanding contributions to a new area of research in computer science, Facebook Ph.D. Fellowship in Machine Learning and Apple Scholars in AI/ML Ph.D. Fellowship.