Speaker: Alberto Valdes-Garcia, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center
Title:     3D millimeter-wave imaging and sensing with Si-based phased arrays, edge computing, and AI
Day:      May 14, 2024
Time:    12:30pm
Location: B205, EQuad
Hosts:   Yasaman Ghasempour and Kaushik Sengupta
Event Page: https://ece.princeton.edu/events/3d-millimeter-wave-imaging-and-sensing-si-based-phased-arrays-edge-computing-and-ai

Title : 3D millimeter-wave imaging and sensing with Si-based phased arrays, edge computing, and AI

Abstract: The use of millimeter-wave frequencies for 5G networks has been a primary contributor for transitioning Si-based phased array technology from R&D to real-world deployments. While the commercial use of millimeter-wave sensing so far has been dominated by low-cost, compact MIMO radars for automotive and industrial applications, the on-going wide deployment and advancement of Si-based phased arrays opens a new horizon of opportunities for sensing and event recognition. This talk will first cover the fundamentals and KPIs of 3D radar systems using phased arrays including associated key circuit design and packaging design techniques. Examples of such 3D radar systems at 28-GHz, 60-GHz and 94-GHz will be provided. Next, the presentation will describe how the full potential of such systems can be realized through synergistic co-design with algorithms and edge computing assets. Key examples of emerging applications based on these vertically integrated antennas-to-software/AI systems will be provided including multi-spectral imaging, 5G mmWave joint sensing and communications, and AI-based recognition of human gestures and concealed objects.

Bio: Alberto Valdes-Garcia is currently a Principal Research Scientist and Manager of the RF Circuits and Systems Group at the IBM T. J. Watson Research Center. In his current role, he leads a multi-disciplinary team that investigates and develops technologies that bridge the gap between antennas and edge-compute-based AI, enabling new millimeter-wave systems and applications for imaging and communications. Dr. Valdes-Garcia received the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from Texas A&M University in 2006. He holds >140 issued US patents and has authored >140 peer-reviewed publications. Recent awards include the 2017 Lewis Winner Award for Outstanding Paper, presented by the IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference, and the 2017 IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits Best Paper Award. In 2013, he was selected by the National Academy of Engineering for its Frontiers of Engineering Symposium. He currently serves in the Inaugural Editorial Board of the IEEE Journal of Microwaves and was the Chair of the IEEE MTT-S Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Integrated Circuits Committee in 2020-2021. Dr. Valdes-Garcia is a Fellow of IEEE, was inducted into the IBM Academy of Technology in 2015, and was recognized as an IBM Master Inventor in 2016, 2019, and 2022.