Princeton University Physics Department Colloquium

Computer Vision and Optics in the Study of Fine Art



David Stork

Columbia University


Thursday, February 10, 2011

Jadwin Hall A10

4:30 pm – 5:30 pm


New rigorous computer vision algorithms have shed light on a number of problems and controversies in the history and interpretation of fine art. Rigorous illumination estimation and shape-from-shading methods can reveal in new ways the accuracy and the working methods of masters such as Vermeer, Georges da la Tour and Caravaggio, including claims they traced projected images. Computer methods can dewarp the images depicted in convex mirrors depicted in paintings such as Johannes van Eyck’s Arnolfini portrait and Parmigianino’s Self portrait in a convex mirror to reveal new views into artists’ studios and shed light on their working methods. This colloquium will explore how rigorous computer image analysis and optical analysis of art is changing our understanding of paintings and drawings, also featuring works by Vermeer, Lotto, Memling, and several others. 


Host:  Paul Steinhardt

Tea in 218 Jadwin Hall at 4 p.m.