[chuck-users] system calls

Adam R. Tindale adamtindale at hotmail.com
Tue Oct 4 13:10:08 EDT 2005

Here are the contents of that file:

// chuck stdlib test
std.randf() => stdout;
std.randf() => stdout;
std.randf() => stdout;
std.randf() => stdout;
std.randf() => stdout;
std.randf() => stdout;
std.randf() => stdout;

std.abs(-10.0) => stdout;
std.getenv("USER") => stdout;
std.sgn(-1.0) => stdout;
std.setenv( "LAUGH", "HAHA" );

I think you are right about it not being in the distribution. stout is 
the old ChucK style of printing. The .system .getenv and .setenv all 
seem to work. You should be able to accomplish what you want with these 

Good luck


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