[chuck-users] user study!!!

Ge Wang gewang at CS.Princeton.EDU
Mon May 22 16:32:25 EDT 2006

Dear all,

We would like to conduct a N-part user study (where N >= 1) on using 
ChucK.  To start, we are interested in learning about how everyone is 
using ChucK, the ways (if any) ChucK has effected the way you 
write/think about audio programming, and/or your thoughts on ChucK.  A 
dissertation is being written (mine), and we want to include 
evaluations/feedback from the primary ChucK community (this list).  
Also, we hope to construct a page to showcase works being done using 
ChucK.  So fire away!  Thank you all very much!!!

(slightly) more detail here:


chuck team

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