[chuck-users] priorities for next release

Martin Ahnelöv operagasten at gmail.com
Fri Aug 31 02:38:26 EDT 2007

ons 2007-08-29 klockan 23:11 +0200 skrev Kassen:

>         dur => blackhole would be exactly like SinOsc => blackhole,
>         but with
>         time. When you, for example, chuck second into blackhole, the
>         shred will 
>         forward 1 second in it's own timeline (A bit like the -s
>         otion, if I
>         recall).
> I'm still not sure exactly how this would be different. What would
> happen to playing Ugens that would be in the shred? Would those keep
> computing? 

The thing is... Hm, if we have something like this:

SinOsc 1 => dac;

while (true) {
	100::ms => now;
	3::samp => blackhole; 

The shred would jump 3 samples forward every 100 ms. If you change the
duration to 10::ms, you might get some glitching going on every 100::ms.

>         Example:
>         It could be used for plotting numbers over time. If you had
>         two
>         envelopes that ascending from 10 and 15 up to 88 and 100, you
>         could add
>         their value()s to their respective array of floats, round()
>         the floats
>         to ints. Then, in a for loop, you have the computer play a
>         random
>         midi-note between min[i] and max[i]. Congratulations! You got
>         a 
>         solo-playing computer!
>         (Sure, I realise that you could do this very task in other
>         ways...)
> Yes, chucking time to now would do here, I think. Maybe you could
> compare how this would be done now to what you propose in some chuck
> code and some pseudo-code? 
Can always try...

SinOsc s => dac;

fun int plot ( float from, float to, int points, dur length ) {
	Envelope e => blackhole;
	from => e.value;
	to => e.target;
	length => e.duration;

	float values[points];
	1 => e.keyOn
	for (0 => int i; i < points; i++) {
		e.value() => values[i];
		length / points => blackhole;     <--- forward!
	return values[];

10 => int notes;
plot(10.0, 88.0, notes, 50::ms) => min[];
plot(15.0, 100.0, notes, 50::ms) => max[];

for (0 => int i; i < notes; i++) {
	Std.rand2(Math.round(min[i]), Math.round(max[i])) => int midiNr;
	Std.mtof(midiNr) => s.freq;
	100::ms => now;       <-- First time we forward our time

Something like that.


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