[chuck-users] Time logic

Martin Ahnelöv operagasten at gmail.com
Sat Nov 10 16:30:33 EST 2007

lör 2007-11-10 klockan 09:29 -0800 skrev Juan-Pablo Caceres:
> Hi there,
> I have another question concerning time logic.  The following 2 examples 
> are similar:
> // 1)
> while (true)
> {
>      <<<"HELLO">>>;
>      1::second => now;
> }
> // 2)
> while (1::second => now)
> {
>      <<<"HELLO">>>;
> }
> So the question is, is the second case using some syntactic sugar? 
> Because conceptually it doesn't sound right to me. Maybe the chuck gurus 
> out there can make more sense of it?

Well, it's pretty easy, actually. While takes an expression, and if that
expression returns true, it evaluates the code inside the brackets, and
then it tests the expression again. This expression can be anything from
"true", to "i<100", or even a function (that can do absolutely
anything). in the second case it's "1::second=>now", which will return
true when 1 second have passed.

Hope that helps,

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