[chuck-users] CurveTable example...?

Jascha Narveson jnarveson at wesleyan.edu
Wed Oct 10 14:19:53 EDT 2007

Hello, ChucK people -

How do I use CurveTable?  I've tried chucking a SinOsc to it as one  
would an envelope, but that didn't work.  I've also tried this:

SinOsc s => Gain g => dac;
CurveTable t;
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
  2.0, 1.0, 0.0,
  3.0, 0.0] @=> float times[];
times => t.coefs;
while (true)
	1::samp => now;
	t.last() => g.gain;


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